Wednesday, June 3, 2009

scribblings @ 1.30 am


the days i fill with mindless madness
not letting my mind go idle.

but oh!! the cruel nights...
they force the cure
for insanity down my throat
making me long
for the not needed love.


the eighty year old palm reader
tut-tutted, looking at my hand.
a bad hand, said she.
a late marriage and no kids
was what she said was in store for me,
with her eyes going sad and
her lips mouthing sympathy.

but little did she know
that i wanted nothing more.


роородி said...

two different subjects seemingly connected by one common thread ! the second passage showing the two sides of a coin is neatly written .but when the weight of the first part falls on it , a tone of self-consolation seeps in ....
my instinct s that some day down the line your perspective ll take a turn !

aswin jayaraman said...

I ve already given a personal comment.Irundalum solren,June 3 may turn all these things around!

Anonymous said...

not only in this passage but ur other posts as well, give me a feeling that u have given up on something and u r deliberately being a negative kind of person...ur thoughts in many places in this blog have a negative ring to it

Unknown said...

yenaku mathavanga madiri comment aludha theyriyadu..but god job de..

Vikram Kumar said...

Lol.. again... sooper..
Long story short..
"U ROCK" ;)

Unknown said...

the best of the lot

Unknown said...

Hmm...... makes me wonder if its gowthama buddha! Coz a person can never know what he wants! Even if he figures it out, he can never stick on to it.....

Unknown said...

All these things you write carries a lot of life in it..... Keep goin!

Praveen said...

i almost believed ur words in the poem for a moment .. nice read